- What is NickServ?🔗
DarkMyst IRC Network's NickServ allows users to 'register' a nickname, and stop others from using that nick. NickServ allows the owner of a nickname to disconnect a user from the network that is using their nickname.
Note: If a registered nick is not used by the owner for 30 days, NickServ will drop the nickname, allowing it to be re-registered.
For more information on a command, type:
/msg NickServ help <command>
For a verbose listing of all commands, type:
/msg NickServ help commands
- ACC command🔗
Help for ACC: ACC returns parsable information about a user's login status. Note that on many networks, /whois shows similar information faster and more reliably. ACC also returns the unique entity ID of the given account. The answer is in the form <nick> [-> account] ACC <digit> <EID>, where <digit> is one of the following: 0 - account or user does not exist 1 - account exists but user is not logged in 2 - user is not logged in but recognized (see ACCESS) 3 - user is logged in If the account is omitted the user's nick is used and the " -> account" portion of the reply is omitted. Account * means the account the user is logged in with. Syntax: ACC Syntax: ACC <nick> Syntax: ACC <nick> <account> Syntax: ACC <nick> * Example: /msg NickServ ACC jilles *
- ACCESS command🔗
Help for ACCESS: ACCESS maintains a list of user@host masks from where NickServ will recognize you, so it will not prompt you to change nick. Preventing expiry, getting channel access or editing nickname settings still requires identification, however. Access list entries can use hostnames with optional wildcards, IP addresses and CIDR masks. There are restrictions on how much you can wildcard. If you omit the mask, NickServ will attempt to generate one matching your current connection. Syntax: ACCESS LIST Syntax: ACCESS ADD [mask] Syntax: ACCESS DEL <mask> Examples: /msg NickServ ACCESS LIST /msg NickServ ACCESS ADD /msg NickServ ACCESS ADD user@ /msg NickServ ACCESS ADD jilles@ /msg NickServ ACCESS DEL *someone@*
- BADMAIL command🔗
Help for BADMAIL: BADMAIL allows you to maintain a list of email addresses that are not allowed to be used to register accounts. These email addresses are saved to the Atheme database and are kept between services restarts. In BADMAIL ADD, you are able to use glob matching to disallow email addresses that match a pattern. Syntax: BADMAIL ADD <email> [reason] Examples: /msg NickServ BADMAIL ADD bar reason /msg NickServ BADMAIL ADD * bar reason /msg NickServ BADMAIL ADD *@*.tk foo reason /msg NickServ BADMAIL ADD some-spambot-pattern-* BADMAIL DEL allows you to remove entries from the list of currently banned email addresses. Syntax: BADMAIL DEL <email> Examples: /msg NickServ BADMAIL DEL /msg NickServ BADMAIL DEL * BADMAIL LIST allows you to list the currently banned email addresses. Syntax: BADMAIL LIST Examples: /msg NickServ BADMAIL LIST
- CERT command🔗
Help for CERT: CERT maintains a list of CertFP fingerprints that will allow NickServ to recognize you and authenticate you automatically. You cannot add the same fingerprint to multiple accounts. Syntax: CERT LIST Syntax: CERT ADD [fingerprint] Syntax: CERT DEL <fingerprint> Examples: /msg NickServ CERT LIST /msg NickServ CERT ADD f3a1aad46ca88e180c25c9c7021a4b3a /msg NickServ CERT DEL f3a1aad46ca88e180c25c9c7021a4b3a
- DROP command🔗
Help for DROP: Using this command makes NickServ remove your account and stop watching your nick(s), If a nick is dropped, anyone else can register it. You will also lose all your channel access and memos. When dropping and re-registering an account during a netsplit, users on the other side of the split may later be recognized as the new account. Syntax: DROP <nickname> <password> Examples: /msg NickServ DROP foo bar
- GHOST command🔗
Help for GHOST: GHOST disconnects an old user session, or somebody attempting to use your nickname without authorization. If you are logged in to the nick's account, you need not specify a password, otherwise you have to. Syntax: GHOST <nick> [password] Example: /msg NickServ GHOST foo bar
- GROUP command🔗
Help for GROUP: GROUP registers your current nickname to your account. This means that NickServ protects this nickname the same way as it protects your account name. Most services commands will accept the new nickname as an alias for your account name. Please note that grouped nicks expire separately from accounts. To prevent this, you must use them. Otherwise, all properties of the account are shared among all nicks registered to it. Syntax: GROUP Examples: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY OldNick SecretPassword /msg NickServ GROUP
- HOLD command🔗
Help for HOLD: HOLD prevents an account and all nicknames registered to it from expiring. Syntax: HOLD <nick> ON|OFF Examples: /msg NickServ HOLD jilles ON
- IDENTIFY command🔗
Help for IDENTIFY: IDENTIFY identifies you with services so that you can perform general maintenance and commands that require you to be logged in. Syntax: IDENTIFY <password> You can also identify for another nick than you are currently using. Syntax: IDENTIFY <nick> <password> Example: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY foo /msg NickServ IDENTIFY jilles foo
- INFO command🔗
Help for INFO: INFO displays account information such as registration time, flags, and other details. Additionally it will display registration and last seen time of the nick you give. You can query the nick a user is logged in as by specifying an equals sign followed by their nick. This '=' convention works with most commands. Syntax: INFO <nickname> Syntax: INFO =<online user> Examples: /msg NickServ INFO w00t Shows information about the registered nick w00t. /msg NickServ INFO =w00tie[home] Shows information about the registered nick the user w00tie[home] is logged in as.
- LIST command🔗
Help for LIST: LIST shows registered users that match the given criteria. Multiple criteria may be used in the same command. Current criteria are: PATTERN - All users that match a given pattern. EMAIL - All accounts registered with an email address that matches a given pattern. MARK-REASON - All accounts whose mark reason matches a given pattern. FROZEN-REASON - All frozen accounts whose freeze reason matches a given pattern. RESTRICTED-REASON - All restricted accounts whose restrict reason matches a given pattern. HOLD - All users with the HOLD flag set. NOOP - All users with the NOOP flag set. NEVEROP - All users with the NEVEROP flag set. WAITAUTH - All users with the WAITAUTH flag set. HIDEMAIL - All users with the HIDEMAIL flag set. NOMEMO - All users with the NOMEMO flag set. EMAILMEMOS - All users with the EMAILMEMOS flag set. USE-PRIVMSG - All users with the USEPRIVMSG flag set. QUIETCHG - All users with the QUIETCHG flag set. NOGREET - All users with the NOGREET flag set. PRIVATE - All users with the PRIVATE flag set. REGNOLIMIT - All users with the REGNOLIMIT flag set. FROZEN - All users frozen by network staff. MARKED - All users marked by network staff. RESTRICTED - All users restricted by network staff. REGISTERED - User accounts registered longer ago than a given age. LASTLOGIN - User accounts last used longer ago than a given age. Syntax: LIST <criteria> Examples: /msg NickServ LIST pattern foo* /msg NickServ LIST hold /msg NickServ LIST frozen pattern x* /msg NickServ LIST registered 30d /msg NickServ LIST marked registered 7d pattern bar /msg NickServ LIST email * /msg NickServ LIST mark-reason *lamer*
- LISTCHANS command🔗
Help for LISTCHANS: LISTCHANS shows the channels that you have access to, including those that you own. AKICKs and host-based access are not shown. Syntax: LISTCHANS Example: /msg NickServ LISTCHANS
- LISTGROUPS command🔗
Help for LISTGROUPS: LISTGROUPS shows the groups that you have access to, including those that you own. Group BANs are not shown. Syntax: LISTGROUPS Example: /msg NickServ LISTGROUPS
- LISTOWNMAIL command🔗
Help for LISTOWNMAIL: LISTOWNMAIL shows accounts registered to your account's e-mail address. Syntax: LISTOWNMAIL Examples: /msg NickServ LISTOWNMAIL
- LISTVHOST command🔗
Help for LISTVHOST: LISTVHOST shows accounts which have a vHost set on them. If a pattern is given, only accounts with vHosts matching the pattern are shown. Syntax: LISTVHOST [pattern] Examples: /msg NickServ LISTVHOST /msg NickServ LISTVHOST *staff*
- LOGOUT command🔗
Help for LOGOUT: LOGOUT logs you out of the account that you are currently logged into. Syntax: LOGOUT Example: /msg NickServ LOGOUT
- REGAIN command🔗
Help for REGAIN: REGAIN regains access to your nickname from a user that is using your nick. If you are logged in to the account associated with the nickname, you need not specify a password, otherwise you have to. Syntax: REGAIN <nick> [password] Example: /msg NickServ REGAIN Dave2 goats
- REGISTER command🔗
Help for REGISTER: This will register your current nickname with NickServ. This will allow you to assert some form of identity on the network and to be added to access lists. Furthermore, NickServ will warn users using your nick without identifying and allow you to kill ghosts. The password is a case-sensitive password that you make up. Please write down or memorize your password! You will need it later to change settings. Note: If a registered nick is not used by the owner for 30 days, NickServ will drop the nickname, allowing it to be re-registered. If you need this extended temporarily, refer to NickServ's VACATION command. Syntax: REGISTER <password> <email-address> Examples: /msg NickServ REGISTER bar
- RELEASE command🔗
Help for RELEASE: RELEASE removes an enforcer for your nick or changes the nick of a user that is using your nick. Enforcers are created when someone uses your nick without identifying and prevent all use of it. If you are logged in to the nick, you need not specify a password, otherwise you have to. Syntax: RELEASE <nick> [password] Example: /msg NickServ RELEASE smith sesame
- RESETPASS command🔗
Help for RESETPASS: RESETPASS sets a random password for the specified account. Syntax: RESETPASS <nickname> Examples: /msg NickServ RESETPASS pfish
- RESTRICT command🔗
Help for RESTRICT: RESTRICT allows operators to restrict what an account can and can not do. It will currently block a user from grouping nicks, registering a channel, requesting a vHost or taking an OFFERed vHost. This is particularly useful if a user starts abusing these commands. Syntax: RESTRICT <nickname> ON|OFF <reason> Examples: /msg NickServ RESTRICT game_boy ON Abusing vHost requests /msg NickServ RESTRICT nenolod OFF
- RETURN command🔗
Help for RETURN: RETURN resets the specified account password, sends it to the email address specified and changes account's email address to this address. Any current sessions logged in to the account are logged out. Syntax: RETURN <nickname> <e-mail> Examples: /msg NickServ RETURN jdoe
- SENDPASS command🔗
Help for SENDPASS: SENDPASS emails a key to the email address corresponding to the specified nickname that can be used to set a new password using SETPASS. Syntax: SENDPASS <nickname> If a key has been emailed but not yet used, you can clear it using the CLEAR keyword. Syntax: SENDPASS <nickname> CLEAR Examples: /msg NickServ SENDPASS foo
- SET command list »
- SETPASS command🔗
Help for SETPASS: SETPASS allows you to set a new password using a key emailed to you. The key is valid for one time only, and also becomes invalid if you identify with your old password. To set a new password if you know the current password, use SET PASSWORD instead of SETPASS. Syntax: SETPASS <nickname> <key> <password>
- STATUS command🔗
Help for STATUS: STATUS returns information about your current state. It will show information about your nickname, IRC operator, and SRA status. Syntax: STATUS Example: /msg NickServ STATUS
- TAXONOMY command🔗
Help for TAXONOMY: The taxonomy command lists metadata information associated with registered users. Examples: /msg NickServ TAXONOMY foo
- UNGROUP command🔗
Help for UNGROUP: UNGROUP unregisters the given nickname from your account. The nickname will be available for others to register. This will not affect your channel access or memos. If you do not specify a nickname, your current nickname will be ungrouped. You cannot ungroup your account name. Syntax: UNGROUP [nickname] Examples: /msg NickServ UNGROUP SomeNick
- VACATION command🔗
Help for VACATION: VACATION extends the expiration time for your account and nicknames (but not your channels) to three times the usual value. You can only do this if your account is registered long enough. Vacation mode is disabled automatically the next time you identify to NickServ. Syntax: VACATION Examples: /msg NickServ VACATION
- VERIFY command🔗
Help for VERIFY: VERIFY confirms a change associated with your account registration. Syntax: VERIFY <operation> <nickname> <key> Example: /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER jenny 161803399 /msg NickServ VERIFY EMAILCHG Aeriana 271828183