GameServ FAQ

GameServ is a bot that functions as a dicebot. It also contains games and tools to entertain your channel regulars.

Q: What's in GameServ?

A: A spin the bottle game, a calculator, a magic eightball, three sets of dice, and the rock paper scissors game.

Q: Three sets of dice? Isn't that a bit much?

A: Not necessarily. There are many forms of dice-based role playing games. Roll works for most any variety of game. It will roll any sided dice that you need, from a normal six-sided die to a 100-sided die. WoD is specifically for White Wolf's World of Darkness games,such as the Vampire: the Masquerade game. These are 10-sided dice. NWoD is specifically for the New World of Darkness games that White Wolf is now creating. Also 10-sided, the dice rolls are slightly different.

Q: How do I get GameServ into my Channel?

A: By using a chanserv command that looks like the following: /msg ChanServ SET #channel GameServ ALL

Q: What games are there possible?

BOTTLE - Spin The Bottle CALC - Calculator EIGHTBALL - Magic Eightball NWOD - New World of Darkness style dice ROLL - Rolls X dice with Y number of sides RPS - Rock, Paper Scissors WOD - World of Darkness style dice.

Q: What's SET?

A: SET is the command that turns on all of the games.

Q: How do I make the Spin the Bottle game work?

A: First, you need to turn it on. Use the following command: /msg GameServ SET #channel BOTTLE ON

Then, to play the game, use the following command: /msg GameServ BOTTLE #channel OR type `bottle in the channel.

SPIN also works in place of BOTTLE.

Q: How does the calculator work?

A: First, turn it on. Use the following command: /msg GameServ SET #channel CALC ON

To use the calculator, you can then put in any mathematical equation: /msg GameServ CALC #channel 8+9*3 OR type `calc 8+9*3 in the channel.

Q: How do I make the Magic Eightball work?

A: First, you need to turn it on. Use the following command: /msg GameServ SET #channel EIGHTBALL ON

Then, to ask a question, use the following command: /msg GameServ EIGHTBALL #channel questionhere OR type `eightball questionhere in the channel.

Q: What's INFO? How does it work?

A: INFO allows you to see what games are enabled in a specific channel. Use the following command to see which games have been enabled: /msg GameServ INFO #channel

Q: What's RPS? Is that really a game?

A: RPS = Rock, Paper, Scissors. Yes, we've turned it digital. First, turn on the game with the following command: /msg GameServ SET #channel RPS ON

Then, to play, you need the following command: /msg GameServ rps #channel OR type `rps in the channel.

Q: How does NWOD work?

A: Once the dice have been turned on, you just use the following command: /msg GameServ NWOD #channel #ofdice

e.g. /msg GameServ NWOD #channel 6 OR type `NWOD 6 in the channel.

The difficulty is already set into the dice script. You will get the rolls and the dice will give you the number of successes, the number of failures, and how many dice you may re-roll. Simply repeat the command if you are allowed to re-roll any dice.

Q: How do I enable dice?

A: /msg GameServ SET #channel DICE on

Q: How does ROLL work?

A: Once the dice have been turned on, you use the following command: /msg GameServ ROLL #channel #ofdiced#ofsides

e.g. /msg GameServ ROLL #channel 5d6 (this will roll 5 6-sided dice)

OR type `ROLL 5d6 in the channel.

You will get the rolls and a sum.

Q: How does WOD work?

A: Once the dice have been turned on, use the following command: /msg GameServ WOD #channel #ofdice difficultylevel

e.g. /msg GameServ WOD #channel 5 6 (rolls 5 dice with a difficulty of 6)

OR type `WOD 5 6 in the channel.

The dice will roll and you will receive the outcomes, the number of successes, the number of failures, the number of botches (1's), and the total number of successes.